The long awaited day is nearly here. Tomorrow’s the launch of the new Windows 10 and from what I’ve read so far, the comments are fairly positive. Microsoft has merged the very successful Windows 7 with the layout of Windows 8 and I’ll be testing it myself over the coming days and post another blog with my verdict.

In the meantime, here’s what you should NOT do and I’ll show you a way to avoid paying for it if you have an old version of Windows….

> Don’t Upgrade Your Computer Without Checking its Compatible FIRST.
The initial process of the Windows 10 upgrade will carry out a check to see if your machine meets the minimum requirements but I’d still advise that you get a second opinion and check the compatibility with your manufacturer’s website. The last thing you want is a half working Operating System which puts you in a worse position than before.

There’s a function in Windows 10 that allows you to downgrade your Windows back to the previously installed version, but from experience these kind of utilities are quite prone to fail.

Windows 10 Release Date in Image

> Don’t Buy Windows 10
If you’ve decided to take the plunge and go for Windows 10, have already registered your machine using the new icon on the taskbar and assuming you have Windows 7 or 8 installed, you’ll get the new version for free. If you have Windows XP or Vista and the machine IS compatible with Windows 10, you’ll have to purchase a full copy of Windows 10 but my recommendation is NOT to do this and I’ll tell you why.

It hasn’t been confirmed yet but the price of a full copy of Windows 10 Home Edition is going to be around £100 so my advice would be for you to purchase a copy of Windows 7 Upgrade from eBay for around £35 and you’ll then be eligible for the free Windows 10 upgrade. Bit of a saving for you.

> Don’t Expect It Tomorrow
If you’re one of the early adopters and can’t wait to get your hands on Windows 10; assuming you’ve already registered for the upgrade, don’t start panicking if the update doesn’t start by end of working day tomorrow. Millions of users have signed up so the process could take a few days before starting.

More to come on Windows 10……

P.S. If you can resist the temptation, my advice is to wait a while before plunging ahead with upgrading your main computer to a new system we know very little about. I’m not taking any chances which is why I’ll be testing it on a spare machine.