Happy New Year and hope you had a nice break.

It’s that time of the year when we tend to reflect on the year just gone and plan for the year ahead.

New Year’s Resolutions isn’t a tradition I’ve used in the past, but here’s a few Tech New Years Resolutions that you might find useful to get you started in 2020.

NO TEXTING & DRIVING – I do use my phone while driving using the cars’ handsfree kit, but I must admit that the level of my concentration is definitely lower when talking and driving. But when I hear of people checking their social media and texting whilst driving, that’s a recipe for disaster.

UNSUBSCRIBE TO JUNK EMAILS – Do you get regular emails that doesn’t really interest you? Start off the New Year by unsubscribing from ones that you have no real interest in and are a drain on your time.

GET FIT WITH TECHNOLOGY – Instead of starting off the year with a plan to lose 25 pounds by the end of January, why not start small. With fitness watches and apps, you can easily track and monitor your health and fitness goals. Fitness watches like the Fitbit or Apple Watch not only keep you motivated throughout the day to reach your steps, they also track your food, weight, workouts, and sleep.

BACKUP YOUR COMPUTER – FOR REAL THIS TIME – If you still don’t have a backup, what are you waiting for? Now would be a good time to change that unhealthy habit and get one set up so you don’t lose any of your precious data if something does go wrong.

UPDATE SECURITY SOFTWARE – Whether it’s your personal or business data, it’s important that you keep your information safe from potential attacks. Make sure you keep your security software and Operating System up to date at all times.