Having the right tools always helps…

I remember quite a few years ago, as we were driving in the country and got caught out by the snow.

Even though the car was an Audi 2.0L Turbo with plenty of tread on the tyres, that meant nothing when trying to drive up hill on sheet ice. We eventually had to admit defeat and wait to be towed away.

You might have the latest version of a Smartphone with all the bells and whistles, but if you’re in an area with very poor network signal, your phone isn’t going to perform at its best as all the apps rely on a decent signal.

And in terms of your computer, you could have the latest processor, with maximum amount of memory, but if you have a poor internet access, you’ll experience a lot of delays and frustration.

I’ve come across this quite a few times recently when upgrading PC’s to Windows 10 from the soon to be unsupported Windows 7. As the upgrade needs to download a lot of data from the Microsoft server, the process can take a lot longer if the download speeds are poor.

With a BT line, your speed is determined by how far you’re from the BT exchange, not the specification of your computer. Obviously the latter helps, but they both need to work together. For a pleasant experience on the web, you’re ideally looking for a minimum of 4Mbps download speed. And you can check your speed using www.speedtest.net

But then saying that, wifi could confuse matters even further. Because you might have a fantastic machine with a download speed of 7 to 10 Mbps; but if you’re sat in a room where you have poor wifi signal to the router, you’ll again experience a lot of frustration.

So these examples illustrate that you need to have all the right elements in place for you to get the desired outcome.