79% of malicious attacks on mobile phones in 2013 happened on handsets running the Android system.

If you own an iPhone you’re far less likely to have issues as Apple devices contributed to only 0.7% of the attacks and Nokia’s Symbian software came second to Android.

So if you own an Android phone, how can you stop these attacks from happening?

Here a list of my do’s and don’ts.

Delete text messages from unknown callers that contain telephone numbers. This could be a text Trojan; a fake message that tricks you into clicking on a premium-rate number. This method was used in 40% of all Android attacks last year.

Watch out for fake websites that imitate Google’s Play store. These sites allow hackers to track and record a user’s keystrokes and passwords.

Make sure you keep the operating system up to date. 44% of users were still using older versions of the software and putting themselves at risk. These updates include fixes to weaknesses discovered in the system and are there for a reason – to make your phone more secure.

I would apply this rule to an iPhone as well, but as I mentioned above the risks are far lower; even with an older version of the software.