I regularly get asked for my opinion on everything tech.

Apple or Windows computers; which is best? Which one should I go for?

Laser versus inkjet printers?

Traditional desktop or the all-in-ones?

Tablets or laptops?

In all the above, it’s very much a case of me listening to the clients’ needs before looking into the pros and cons. But it also comes down to personal taste.

But if you were to ask me Apple iPhone / iPad versus a Google Smartphone / Tablet, I’d be able to give you a very quick answer.

The apps available for download via the Apple store have been through a very rigorous safety and virus check before being made available to the public. It’s also good to know that these apps have been uploaded directly by Apple.

Most other Smartphones and tablets run using the Google Android Operating System and that requires you to be very vigilant when it comes to security, which could impact your bank accounts.

The Android system uses the Google Play Store for downloading apps but it’s far less secure compared to the Apple App store…

For starters, it’s very easy for someone with the relevant skills and knowledge to make a fake app that’s infected with a virus to be made available on the Google Play store.

Let me give you an example. Imagine that I designed a HSBC banking app that’ll prompt you for the usual username, password and security code. It has exactly the same image as the official HSBC app in the Play store.

Because of the similarity, it would be very easy to download this fake app and enter your bank details. And when entered, instead of taking you to the usual page showing your bank accounts, it’ll say that you entered the incorrect password; but the damage has already been done as the developer that created the fake app now has your bank logon information, and they’ll attempt to transfer monies from your account while the code you entered is still active for use.

Unfortunately, the phone user who’se been scammed will be completely unaware of what’s happened until they look at their bank balance.

So if you were thinking of treating yourself to an Android Smartphone, you might be thinking otherwise now or if you’ve already got such a phone, don’t panic.

Here’s what you need to lookout for when downloading from the Google Play Store.

1) Always read the reviews for the app BEFORE you download it. If there are no reviews, stay well clear!

2) Check the developers’ website. In my example above, if it had no mention of HSBC, do NOT download it.

3) Make sure you keep your phone updated with the latest version of the Android Operating System.

4) To be certain of avoiding this type of situation, avoid download any mobile banking apps to your Android Smartphone.

5) And lastly, install an AntiVirus from the Google Play Store; a genuine one that is!

Stay safe.