Today is National Cheddar Day 🧀

But it’s also…

Kiss Day, 💋

National Football Hangover Day, 🍷

International Natural Day,

Galentine’s Day,

National Apology Day, 🙇

International Condom Day

World Radio Day, 📻

Get a Different Name Day,

National Clean Out Your Computer Day, 🖥️

National Tortellini Day,

Employee Legal Awareness Day,

And Madly in Love with Me Day. 💘

Seriously, I haven’t made these up.

But out of all of them, there’s only one obvious day that I can really give advice on. And you’ll be pleased to hear that it’s not International Condom Day! 😄

It has to be National Clean Out Your Computer Day. And this refers to a general system and data clean up as well as the physical computer.

Dust is always around, but not easy to spot, until that is, there’s layers of it inside your computer, which can cause serious problems.

And the likelihood of dust building, is more likely, if you’re having building work done. If you are, it’s advisable that you cover up the equipment, or ensure that you keep it as far away as possible from the main area of work.

This isn’t so much of an issue with laptops, but with desktops, it’s advisable to periodically remove the casing of the desktop, to ensure there’s no build-up of dust.

The main area that dust tends to settle, is inside the fan area above the processor. It’s important that this area remains clean, to ensure the processor it kept at the optimum temperature and provide the best performance.

And regarding a data clean up, don’t make the same mistake as the lady I spoke to last week… 🤦‍♂️

She was running out of disk space on her computer, and decided to have a much-needed clean-up.

So the first thing she did was to clear out all the documents in the Recents list, as she assumed they were just shortcuts to the actual documents. And once they got deleted, she then emptied the Recycle Bin for good measure.

The problem was that she’d deleted the actual documents. They were not shortcuts.

And to make matters worse, she had no backup of any sort in place! 😫

So my advice on this National Clean Out Your Computer Day, is to be careful on what you uninstall or delete from your PC or Mac, and make sure you have a backup in place BEFORE you start your clean-up! 🧹